Hands-On Metal Shaping Classes
Lazze's Hands on Classes in Metal Shaping started 1996 in Sweden, and about 1,000 students from Europe took his classes before he moved to the US in 2005. To date over 3500 people from different states and countries have attend his classes. Today Lazze offers:
- Hands-on Courses in Grover Beach, CA
- Metal Shaping Videos and DVD's
- Instruction Manuals and Books
- Custom hand-made or hard to find car parts
What you can do to a flat piece of sheet metal consists of the following four elements:
You can cut it | You can bend it | You can Shrink it | You can stretch it |
You can achieve remarkable results by mastering the use of the four fundamental elements in combination. Once you grasp how to manipulate these elements, you will be able to control a flat sheet of metal and fabricate any design you envision. This is the essence of our instruction. Whether you are crafting a motorcycle fender, a '32 Roadster body, or a '41 Willys in aluminum, the process becomes straightforward once you comprehend the principles involved.
Pick the education program that fits you best below: