5 Day Step 2 Class
Step 2, is a 5 day class with a maximum of four students. In this class we build a car body!
We pick a different car body every year, so far we have built 1932 Ford Roadster, 1933 Ford 3W Coupe, AC-Cobra, Willys 41" , 36 Roadster and more.
In the class you'll learn how to start a project, how to do the layout, how to use templates, learn how to make left and right side symmetrical, learn to put all of the parts together to a car body and learn what to look for to have the entire body proportioned right. We will use the English Wheel, Bead roller and the Shrink/Stretcher and some other hand tools.
All bodies and everything you make will start from flat sheet and we will be using the same tools and machines as in the step 1 class. Class starts at 8.00am and ends at 5.00-5.30pm each day. For more information, about the classes, call me at 805-668-2045 and I'll do my best to help you. I'm looking forward to seeing you in class! Kind Regards, Lazze Jansson
In everyone's best interest, you must have completed the Step 1 class before you can take the Step 2 class.
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